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2019 Keynote & Workshop Facilitator


JJ Brun


PMI NB is proud to announce JJ Brun as the keynote speaker and workshop facilitator for Professional Development Days 2019.


Better known as “The Retired Spy”, JJ Brun is a Human Behaviour and Communication Specialist who has acquired over 15,000 hours of practice within the field of Human Behaviour.

JJ works with business leaders who want to learn how to maximize their human capital and gain a competitive edge in business and in their personal lives.


JJ is an expert at Decoding Human Capital and has truly walked the walk. While working overseas as a member of the Canadian Forces, JJ established one of the largest networks of local contacts pulling in critical and timely Human Intelligence information.


In a world where everyone communicates, and very few connect, we are grateful JJ Brun can share his experience and knowledge with PMI NB.

Conference Theme: Accommodating for the Human Factor in Project Management

While project managers have been working hard to perfect their technical expertise and time management, often one of the biggest challenges a project manager can face relates to the human factor.

Project teams are made up of diverse individuals. Skills in the areas of conflict management, motivational techniques, and strategies for retaining and onboarding top-quality skilled workers can be extremely difficult to master. Additionally, there can be an even more diverse set of stakeholders who are impacted by or influence the outcome of a project.

The goal of PMI NB’s upcoming Professional Days conference will be to provide the knowledge and technical skills needed to meet the complex needs of today’s teams and stakeholders. In other words, this conference aims to enable project managers to accommodate for the human factor in project management.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - Keynote Topic: Making Sense of the People Puzzle

Have you ever had a great idea shot down and wonder what the heck happened there? Despite all the advancements in technology, it still takes people to run an organization, and that’s where it gets complicated.


Imagine what you could accomplish if you:
•    learn why many people fail to be convincing. 
•    learn to enhance your ability to connect and communicate by design and not by chance. 
•    learn to identify the communication patterns for an individual or group.
•    learn that you can present the same idea in four different ways to ensure buy-in. 
•    learn that you can read, identify and overcome doubts, reservations, hesitation and objections.
•    Learn to create an environment that will celebrate people’s differences vs tolerate people’s differences.​

Thursday, May 23, 2019 - Workshop Topic: Solving the People Puzzle

In this session, you will discover, experience, and apply key strategies and behavioural insights to better connect with others by design and not by chance. With every interaction, you will be able to establish and make a rapport with people that you were not able to in the past. 


Jean Jacques Brun or JJ, as he is also known internationally, is a man who is driven, focused and highly favoured. In 1999, after completing his tour of duty within the Canadian Forces (15 years within the Intelligence Branch) JJ founded DHC Training & Consulting Group Inc. (formerly JJ Communications Inc.), a training and consulting company dedicated to inform and enlighten people on the subject of Human Behaviour and effective communication practices across cultures. JJ has seen firsthand the revelation such knowledge can bring to personal and professional relationships.DHC Training & Consulting Group is founded on the belief that knowledge of Human Behaviour is a skill that should be shared to enrich individuals and organizations.


Anyone looking to better understand themselves and other people will find what they need with JJ.


Speaking to everyone from industry leaders to students, JJ has helped thousands of people learn to relate and communicate more effectively across cultures, in their own businesses and personal lives. His years of service within the field of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) for the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch fostered his interest in how people think and act. Through JJ’s unique application of the DISC (Model of Human Behaviour) methodology of understanding Human Behaviour, JJ provides the secrets to reading people and recognizing what certain behaviour indicates and how to interpret and respond to that information.


JJ draws on his many years of experience in the field of Human Behaviour with over 15,000 hours dedicated within this field in addition to his CF Intelligence Branch background to bring clarity to his training, consulting and speaking assignments. Leaders and decision makers around the globe turn to JJ to get them moving in the right direction, toward more effective communication practices. Ensuring communication is clear right from the start saves immense amounts of time, effort and lives. Learning about the communication needs and styles of other people, learning to recognize them and adapt to them, is the key to being a more effective communicator. This ability is useful from the boardroom to the living-room, from casual conversation to a hostile conversation. JJ has dedicated his life and his business to learn the principles of Human Behaviour and effective communication practices across cultures. That commitment shines through in everything he does.


In these lively and revealing interactive sessions, world-class communicator JJ Brun, demonstrate why people often feel, think and act the way they do. His audience gain valuable insights to enhance their interpersonal skills and learn the secrets for effective workplace partnerships…the ability to effectively interact with others in order to celebrate their differences vs. tolerate their differences.

Promotional Videos

Video 1 - February 27, 2019

Over the two days, you will discover, experience, and apply key strategies and behavioural insights to better connect with others by design and not by chance. With every interaction, you will be able to establish and make a rapport with people that you were not able to in the past. 

Video 2 - April 27, 2019

In a short meeting with a mayor of a small village, JJ was able to present an idea and gain buy-in by using a behavioural based algorithm that he desigend in order to connect with people across cultures. On May 22-23 at the PMI NB Professional Development Days Conference, he will show you strategies on how to accommodate for the human factor in project management. At the conference you will learn that people don't do things to you, they do them for themselves. You will learn two simple questions to determine a person's preferred communication style. And, you will learn how to apply the behavioural based algorithm so you can connect with people by design and not by chance. 

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